About Families Fighting For Justice
Jean Taylor, the founder of Families Fighting for Justice, lost a sister in 1998, a son in 2000 and a daughter in 2004, all to the acts of homicide.
In 2008, Jean advertised in the Liverpool Echo for victims’ families, to join her on a march to Downing Street with 100,000 signatures’ that she had gathered, to say; ‘Life should mean life’, for first-degree murder and murder with intent, also tougher sentences for manslaughter.
In addition to working for change for victim’s families of homicide, we are also a peer support group for those who have lost someone to acts of murder or manslaughter. Our drop in centre has a friendly atmosphere where you can talk in confidence to others who understand the emotional rollercoaster ride you are now on. You do not have to have lost a loved one to join us; everyone is welcome. We have members and volunteers who support us and help us deliver our services..
We have no prejudices at Families Fighting for Justice, it does not matter about your race, religion or sexuality and everyone is welcome. We also believe a murder does not have any priorities. If your loved one was taken it does not have to be with a knife or a gun, the loss and pain is the same.
Peer Support: Helping Each Other
Peer support means people supporting each other and giving valuable support based on shared experiences. It is used within the mental health system. People with mental health problems, including service users, have always provided invaluable support to each other, This kind of peer support is an essential part of our group session.
Peer Support offers many benefits, for example; shared identity, helping increase self-confidence, demonstrating the value of helping others, developing and sharing skills , improving their issues, emotional resilience and well-being. It can also help in giving information and sign posting further help, challenging stigma and discrimination.
Families Fighting for Justice believe everyone should have access to good quality peer support, (we offer a wrap around service).
Our Centre
Families Fighting for Justice is located at 6 Anson Street, Liverpool, L3 5NY (off London Road near T.J. Hughes). We offer our members and service users access to (all under the one roof)
The HUB – ‘One Stop Shop’ for information, guidance and advice.
Children’s group O.L.L.Y (Our Lost Love Years).
Adult learning Programmes.
Volunteer Learning Programmes.
Trauma Counsellor.
Rebuilding Programmes.
Day trips out/breaks away.
Family Lounge.
Holidays in our static caravan
Access to our list of reputable organisations that have their own expertise in their own field.
Thank You
We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the kind-hearted people below, for the generosity of their donations, which have been a great source of help to us.
Jamie Carragher and the 23 Foundation (Mike)
Lyon’s Robin Hood Caravan Park
Willaston Farm – Paul and his Team
Stan and Andrea Boardman
C.A.F.T (Children’s Adventure Farm | Trust)
Variety G.B.
Mrs. Montse Benitez.
Cash for Kids.
Awards for All.
P.H Holt Foundation.
Big Yellow Storage Co.
H. J Uren.
Investec Wealth Management.
Liverpool Pram Centre.
Mini Monsters Play Centre.
Birkenhead Boys Club.
Tate Liverpool.
Lady Lever Art Gallery.
Broadway Function Rooms.
Birkenhead Park management and staff.
The Morgan Foundation.
Hilton Hotel, Liverpool.
Racquet Club, Liverpool.
Goodwins Pub/Restaurant, Greasby.
Happy Als Coaches.
Robin Hood Camp.
Jo and Ian, Belles of St Mary Camp site.
Birkenhead Van Hire.
Lee and Peter of Digital Config, Liverpool.
Our Wish List…
- To have a Large house or building with a Large garden.
- A sponsor for the caravan site fees.
- To be able to operate drop-in centres, these will also accommodate the children from O.L.L.Y, up and down the country.
- To own a coach or double decker bus, or have a company that would allow us to have this facility once a month.
- To have sponsors to help us run at the level we need to.
Policies and Procedures
1. Constitution
2. Admissions Policy
3. Volunteer Policy
4. Communicable diseases Policy
5. Safeguarding Whistleblowing policy
6. Special Education Needs Policy
7. Photography Policy
8. Anti-Bullying Policy
9. Equal Opportunities Policy
10. Rules of O.L.L.Y
11. Conflicts of interest policy
12. Health and Safety at work Policy
13. Open Door Policy
14. First Aid Policy
15. Drug and Alcohol Policy
16. Online Safety
17. Data Protection and Communication Process
18. Internet Acceptable Use Policy
19. Smoke Free Policy
20. Managing Allegations of abuse against staff
21. Working in Partnership with parents/carers
22. Emergency Procedure Policy
23. Disciplinary Procedure
24. Staff Supervision Policy
25. Risk Assessment
26. DBS checks
27. Code of Conduct
28. Time Keeping and Attendance Policy
29. Equality and Diversity Policy
30. Environmental Policy
31. Sun Safety Procedure
32. Safer Recruitment Policy
33. Complaints Procedure
34. Adults and Children’s Safeguarding Policy
35. Financial Policy & Procedures