Families Fighting For Justice delivers The Hub a one-stop shop offering information, guidance, and referrals if need be. We can refer you in house to be peer supported by Families Fighting For Justice or if there are any children within a victim’s family of homicide or culpable road death, they can be referred in house to O.L.L.Y, our children’s group. We also have a list of reputable agencies who can also deal with any problems, issues, or concerns that we can identify from speaking with you in The Hub. This way, we are supporting every member of the family.
We have hands-on trained volunteers who are here to help you. Please visit the website of The Hub; for further information or call 0151 709 2994. You do not need to make an appointment, just ring the bell at 6 Anson Street, Liverpool, L3 5NY. Please do not suffer in silence; We are here to help you.
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