Everyone here in the OLLY team would like to say a huge thank you to all our supporters, those who have made donations and our valuable customers that go into the ‘OLLY CHARITY SHOP’ on the ground floor in Bootle Strand. As you are aware OLLY has wonderful breaks away and days out. All the proceeds go in helping to fund such events. We have no paid staff, we have committed, loyal,, professional volunteers who give up their time freely away from their own families to bring sunshine and happiness into our OLLY members. We know have over 300 children. It is a certainly a very true saying
‘From Little Acorns………………….Big Oak Trees Grow’
OLLY believes that every child should be allowed to sing and be happy.
Please watch out newsfeeds with our monthly day trips out. If you need to get in touch please call 0151 709 2994. The session Leader of OLLY Beverley with her dedication will only be too happy to speak with you.
From everyone here at OLLY Our Lost Love Years would like to wish you a happy Easter.