‘Families Fighting for Justice’
We are a registered reputable charity that has been working tirelessly over the past 10 years and continues to be a voice for the victim’s families of homicide. We also ‘Peer Support’ all members of a family who has lost a loved one to act of homicide. We understand every emotion from losing a loved one in such an horrific way, this is why we know from our experiences and certainly that of our founder Jean Taylor. We can relate to all of your emotions because sadly we can speak from experience, from that experience we have put together what we know will help you on your journey, we also understand from our experiences and that of a child who lost his mother to murder, from his sad loss OLLY our children’s group was born. Families Fighting for Justice can say out loud that we support EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY from the children all the way up, this way the whole family is being supported after their sad loss.
If you need our support, if you are struggling we can help you in many ways, you can call to 6 Anson Street, (The HUB our ‘One Stop Shop’) delivered by Families Fighting for Justice. The HUB will give you a warm welcome, a good listening ear you can tell us of your concerns or where you are struggling, what areas you are struggling with. The HUB offers a ‘wrap around service’ designed for your needs.
Please visit our website www.familiesfightingforjustice.com also www.homicidesupporthub.org or www.ourlostloveyears.co.uk
You do not need an appointment the HUB Is open 9.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday, our car park is at the rear of our building or call us on 0151 709 2994 or 07740149899.
Please! Do not suffer in Silence do not think that there is no one there for you that will understand………… because we do