Corona Virus Update

Due to the Corona Virus outbreak.
As we know we are being advised to avoid crowd contact but also if need be to self isolate.

Families Fighting for Justice would like everyone out there to know who has lost a loved one to Homicide or Culpable Road Death that we are here for you. If you need to talk please call us on 0151 709 2994. If you call after 4pm your call will be diverted to our 24 hour phone line we know there are times when you need to talk to someone outside of your family we are here for you.

You can also visit our websites for updates and news feeds. You can also leave in box messages on any of our Facebook sites.

If you do need to visit us at The Hub 6 Anson Street L3 5NY. We will talk to you at the advised distance set down from Government. We will contain the talk on the ground floor of The Hub.

Our office will only be used for office volunteers. Which are limited now in numbers. Who will wash there hands before coming up the stairs into the office.

From the Founder Jean Taylor.