I died the minute i recieved the phone call to tell me my only son was dead .he died 5th june 2010 my son did not die because he was bad person he dead because he had good heart . Paul and myself plus family members had been bullied since paul was10 from this family the police advised me to take paul out of school at 15 saying he will end up in bodybag .never a truer word said. Paul was my world .he was my only living child after countless misscarriges .So you can imagine how much he was adored.i know i cant be fixed or my pain will never leave me but what sickens me so much is that paul asked for help from police and it was refused he even pointed out a lad on two seperate occasions to police officers and it was ignored who was on crimewatch where were my human rights plus my sons for life gone my hearts so broken xxx