O.L.L.Y (Our Lost Love Years) who supports children spread across Merseyside who have lost a loved one from acts of homicide or culpable road death please visit .
The Police Federation for Merseyside has chosen O.L.L.Y as its 2019 ‘Black Tie Dinner’ event charity. This fantastic event will take place at The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Princes Dock, Liverpool on Thursday November 7th. Tables of 10 can be purchased for companies or those wishing to attend such an event, with fantastic prizes, also a silent auction will also be in place. Tickets can be purchased for £55 per head. Please see full details of the event below. If you are a company and you wish to purchase a table named to your company we will also put this our website to those companies who have helped bring much needed funds to this amazing children’s charity group.
We have been chosen by The Police Federation of Merseyside as their chosen children’s charity for their 2019 ‘Black Tie Dinner’ which is to be held at The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Princes Dock, Liverpool on Thursday 7th November 2019. The dinner will commence at approximately 1900. Guests normally arrive from 18.30 onwards to a complimentary drink, there will be the most amazing magician that circulates. After dinner will follow amazing raffle prizes, along with a silent auction, with the main auction later on in the evening.
The evening will finish with a disco and live band for those choosing to use the dance floor or those who just wish to listen.
The Chief Constable of Merseyside Police, Andy Cooke, along with our Police Crime Commissioner, Jane Kennedy along with other officials from The Police Federation will also be on that table.
If anyone wishes to book accommodation at The Crowne Plaza they have offered a group rate of £114.00 including breakfast. If this is a reservation you would like please call Dean or Katie on 0151 243 8080 quoting refer MPF and the date of the event which is 7th November 2019.
If anyone wishes to pay via online for tickets or banking the details are below:
Merseyside Police Federation Charitable Trust
Sort Code : 05-05-69
Account Number 70940929
As the reference when paying please quote Charity Dinner Tickets
All proceeds on the night will go to OLLY which then helps us deliver to all those children across Merseyside that live in communities where there is high deprivation and poverty. 242 of our children in OLLY have lost a loved one from acts of violence; these children are the silent victim’s of such horrendous crimes. OLLY supports them.
The red bus was presented to our founder Jean Taylor by Robbie Fowler and Margaret Aspinall. The bus will be on show at the entrance of the Crowne Plaza for all to see.
If you need any further information directly from the Police Federation please contact Colette Knox at 0151 259 2535 email
If you would like to book a table please contact the Police Federation of Merseyside or our office on 0151 709 2994