Listen to Jean speaking with Roger Phillips about the support that O.L.L.Y provides and the wonderful generosity from Jamie Carragher and other supporters.
It is with a huge thank you to Jamie Carragher and his dad Phil Carragher for their very kind donation so we can prepare and give out to children in these uncertain times during the coronavirus 19 pandemic. We know only too well how families are struggling even more so, therefore, O.L.L.Y with its caring heart and the help from Jamie Carragher who also has that caring heart we can deliver and prepare over 300 of these food boxes for children.
If you are in need and wish your children to have one of these boxes, please call us on 0151 709 2994.
Thank you so much.
A huge thank you also to Lyndsey, Sarah, Yvonne, Mandy, Linda and Jackie for their volunteering.