We understand that due to these bad weather conditions you may not be able to get out of your house, but we want you to know that we are here as a peer support group working and helping those who have lost a loved one to acts of homicide or culpable road death. We are only at the end of a phone where you can speak to someone who understands your pain.
If you have children and wish to bring them into the HUB please do so where we can do art and craft, board games and activities. You can either bring your children and leave them with us or you can come along yourself and talk in private while your children are being entertained. It is always good to talk, no matter how long it has been since your loved one was taken, that loss, that heartache and pain never goes away, it is a pain that we sadly have to learn to live with and we do, so please do not suffer in silence. Families Fighting for Justice is also in partnership with Victim Care Merseyside. We have also earned a reputable reputation over these past 18 years, we earned it because we understand so please call us if you need us.
0151 709 294